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Mass uprising: Protesters to be shielded from cases

The home ministry said that no cases can be filed against students and people who actively took part in the mass uprising of July-August.
It has reiterated its position that students and the people will not be arrested or harassed for the events of the uprising.
A notification, signed by Faisal Hasan, senior information officer of the ministry, was issued to this end.
According to the notification, a new journey has begun towards building a discrimination-free new Bangladesh through the fall of the autocratic government on August 5.
“The students and people who actively worked for the movement on the field to make this mass uprising successful will not be arrested or harassed. Cases will not be filed against them for the incidents related to the uprising from July 15 to August 8.
“The people concerned have been instructed to remain alert in this regard. They were also warned against providing false information to get benefits,” the notification added.
Police have already dropped charges of resorting to violence and cybercrimes against all the accused in around 650 cases countrywide, according to officials at the Police Headquarters.
Several top BNP and Jamaat leaders were among the accused. Most of these cases were filed between July 17 and August 5.
Investigators of the cases submitted the final reports to different courts, requesting that the accused be relieved of the charges, officials said.
But for murder cases, police have been instructed to remain alert so that no innocent people face harassment. However, since murders have taken place, the investigating officers need to analyse and investigate why those crimes were committed and who were behind those.
If the name of any accused was not included in the first information report, the name should be included following an investigation, PHQ officials said. 
